Tom’s Books

Swallowed by a Snake: The Gift of the Masculine Side of Healing was Tom’s first book. It goes into detail about the nature of grief from a more masculine perspective and opens the dialogue about how and why men and women process emotions differently. Offers chapters on our own culture and indigenous cultures and their differences in grief rituals. Endorsed by Elizabeth Kubler Ross, Robert Bly, Hope Edelman and others, it has become a classic in the bereavement world. paperback or ebook.
The Way Men Heal is an update to the Snake book that is concise and focuses primarily on how men process their loss. It’s a quick read meant for men who don’t have time for lots of reading. The book tells the story of how men such as Michael Jordan and Eric Clapton found a masculine path in healing from serious losses. Warren Farrell and Paul Elam both endorsed this one. paperback or ebook
Helping Mothers be Closer to their Sons: Understanding the Unique World of Boys is a book that is actually helpful to both moms, dads, uncles and whoever. It goes into detail about the differences of boys and girls in such areas as play, competition, biology, interactions, emotions, and many other areas. Boys are great and the media has done very little to let us know how they are wonderfully different. This book does just that. Paperback or ebook