Why are Men more Aggressive & Competitive?
Science has offered us a fairly new understanding about the origins of our sex differences. It is all about competition and survival. Evolutionary biologists show us that in most animal populations one sex does more…
Thousands of Years of Sex Roles
Long, long ago, in places far and near men and women worked together to survive. In order to survive, men and women forged agreements about who would do what. Basically, all over the world, men…
Maryland Report — Domestic Violence and Male Victims
Perhaps the most confusing, perplexing, and controversial area in which men’s health needs are overlooked is the issue of male victims of domestic violence. One immediately noticeable trend is the strong tendency to focus solely…
Maryland Report – Men’s Health
“‘Being male is now the single largest demographic factor for early death,’ says Randolph Nesse of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.’ If you could make male mortality rates the same as female rates,…