Below is a list of nearly 70 soundbites that were suggested on a recent menaregood youtube. I wanted to open this list up to a vote and get everyone’s opinion about which ones might be the most useful for our purposes. You can vote for up to 25 soundbites.
What makes a good soundbite? It tells a story in very few words. The fewer the better. It is catchy and easy to remember and will leave an impression on those who hear it. A very good soundbite will help people see their own double standards.
I will paste in the original youtube at the end of the poll for those who may not have seen it.
[yop_poll id=”3″]
Tom Golden is the author or three books, Swallowed by a Snake: The Gift of the Masculine Side of Healing, The Way Men Heal, and Helping Mothers be Closer to Their Sons: UnderStanding the Unique World of Boys. Tom was the creator of the youtube channel Men Are Good , was in the Red Pill Movie, and served as the vice chairman of the Maryland Commission for Men’s Health. He has been a therapist in private practice for over 30 years.