The Shooting of Steve Scalise and the Brainwashing of America

The shooting today in Alexandria of the Republican legislator was the responsibility of more than just one deranged shooter. It has been an orchestra of voices who have set this up and are setting up other violence in the future. Here’s a short list of those who helped pull that trigger:

The media – Yes the media has for months before the election pushed the idea that Trump was both unfit to be president and dangerous. They have continued this line of brainwashing while offering no evidence other than innuendo. Now they have added on to this false narrative that Trump was obstructing justice when he fired Comey as a way to obscure his colluding with the Russians. Again, no evidence but plenty of fake news. They are whipping people into a frenzy over the idea that Trump is dangerous to our country and a poisonous traitor. This sort of lying will activate the mentally ill or mentally challenged and push them to action to save the day.  Imagine the mentally challenged hearing a repeated message that a president is dangerous.   Gullible and impressionable minds are prone to “help their country” by ridding us of the dangerous person. The media is setting things up.  What a scam.

Hollywood — Celebrities have become an arm of the fake news media with their hate and amplifications of the media’s fake news of Trump being dangerous and unfit to be president. There has never been anything like this.

Comedians – Even the comics or those posing as comics get into the act. Kathy Griffin held a replica of the blood drenched and severed head of the President of the United States and thought nothing of it. Imagine she had held the bloody head of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama? She would not even consider such an act because there is a cultural push, a taboo against such hateful stupidity. But Trump? No problem. No such taboo exists, only an atmosphere that he is dangerous and needs to be stopped. In our present day atmosphere of any violence against Trump is okay, she figured it would go over just fine.

Education – What was once the land of insuring free speech has turned into the opposite. Now our colleges and universities are banning speakers due to content and allowing thugs to dictate who speaks and who does not.

The Police – We have all seen the violent protests that have both destroyed property and injured peaceful protestors. But what do we see? The police not stopping them. People with masks burning property in the street, smashing windows, beating people and the police sit on their hands. What message does this send? Clearly this sends a message to all that violence and destruction of property is just fine as long as it is pointed at conservatives or Trump people. Imagine for just a moment what would be the result if masked violent protestors were attacking women or blacks in a similar manner? There would be an immediate police response and people would be jailed. We hear of very few who are arrested and jailed. The message is, we aren’t going to stop you if you want to break the law and be violent as long as your violence is pointed towards Trump. Unreal.  This also exposes the double standard that has become painfully apparent as of late in certain people, the royalty, being free from the burden of the laws that the rest of us must obey.

Psychological community – Oh the psychiatrists have joined the fray by diagnosing Donald Trump without ever interviewing him. He is dangerous they proclaim! This of course is in direct violation of the code of ethics of the American Psychiatric Association but that doesn’t stop these psychological fake news alarmists. This is exactly the sort of thing that was done in the old Soviet Union. That is, the utilization of psychological diagnoses for political purposes. You may remember that those unfortunate enough to be diagnosed by the Soviet shrinks went to gulags for the rest of their days. Is this what we are coming to?

Political leaders – Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have done nearly nothing to criticize or tell their supporters to not be violent and hateful. Their silence is as loud as an F-15. They have said almost nothing and the message is clear. If the violence is against Trump and the Republicans then it is just fine. I think that they even told Trump that he needed to condemn the violence. That would be like telling black protesters to call off the KKK.

This adds up to the brainwashing of America. When your media, your educational system, your psychological system and your entertainment industry are all pushing fake narratives and shutting down opposing voices that is a mass attempt at indoctrination.

This must end and end quickly or we will be on the verge of a civil war. The desperation of the left seems to indicate they have something huge to hide. Maybe we will find out soon?

Check out what Paul Joseph Watson says about all this: